
Join us as we honor the achievements and contributions of African Americans throughout history.

CCS celebrates the incredible opportunities CTE programs provide to prepare students for success in college, careers, and life.
Explore our CTE website!
It’s Love the Bus Week! Let's show our appreciation for our amazing bus drivers who keep our students safe every day.
Learn how to be a bus driver today!ABWHS Homepage Welcome
ABWHS (PLC) integrates the Communities In Schools’ caring philosophy and approach, emphasizing strong personal relationships between staff and students and a dedicated focus on academic achievement. Communities In Schools employs a proven community development model to support education by harnessing the existing resources of communities around children, families, and schools. This creates a support system that helps young people realize their full potential and take responsibility for their future.
The Performance Learning Center offers a business-like environment that challenges students to complete assignments using an online, computer-based curriculum (EDGENUITY), supported by specially trained and certified teachers who serve as learning facilitators. Additionally, PLC students can access mentors, internships, and job shadowing opportunities.
Phone: 910-864-5438
Fax: 910-868-1777
Hours: 9:15am-4:00pm