School Profile

Grades 9 – 12

Traditional 10 – Month Calendar

School Website

Phone: 910-864-5438
Fax: 910-686-1777

Alger B. Wilkins High School (ABWHS) provides an additional learning option for our community high school students.

ABWHS (PLC) incorporates the Communities In Schools’ caring philosophy and approach that combines strong personal relationships between staff and students with an intense focus on academic achievement. Communities In Schools uses a proven community development approach to supporting education by unifying the existing resources of communities around children, families, and schools as a support system to help young people realize their full potential and take responsibility for their future.

The Performance Learning Center’s business-like environment challenges students to complete assignments using an online, computer-based curriculum (EDGENUITY) with the assistance of specially trained and certified teachers who act as learning facilitators. In addition, mentors, internships, and job shadowing are made available to PLC students.

Alger B. Wilkins serves high school students on a 4×4 schedule who are not succeeding in a traditional school setting and who typically:

  • seek another learning option (online curriculum with 80% mastery expectations utilizing high levels of individual reading comprehension levels and personal responsibility to meet NCDPI requirements)

  • have experienced poor academic achievement (not related to ability)

  • have been chronically late or absent from school due to family circumstances/moving/health

  • are at high risk of dropping out of school but have the potential to thrive in a supportive learning environment

The faculty and staff at Alger B. Wilkins emphasize the values of caring, respect, high expectations, trust, and integrity and are guided by the principle of the student-as-worker and teacher-as-facilitator, enabling each student to take ownership of his/her own education.

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