Ongoing Fundraisers
Quick Links

Link your Harris Teeter VIC card to Brentwood Elementary using the icon link to the left and the school code of 3058. Then purchase select Harris Teeter Brand products using their VIC card and Harris Teeter will contribute a percentage of those purchase dollars to our school.

Continue to clip your box tops and send them in with you child (ren). We ask that they not be expired and that you secure them in a Ziploc bag, envelope, or tape or glue them to a piece of paper. Register at the website above to see our progress in reaching our GOAL this year with box tops. This is the link to get a print out of the list of items that carry box tops.

It’s simple really – one site where all parents and all teachers can connect. That’s it. And – oh, yeah – we’ve got rewards for schools and free samples for teachers and discounts for parents to make it all even better.