Student Assignment

Each student in the Cumberland County Schools System is assigned to the school of his/her grade level serving the attendance area in which the student’s parent or court-appointed custodian resides. The Student Assignment Office has the responsibility of ensuring all students are attending the appropriate schools. Our guidelines and procedures are developed based on the following:
Maintain efficient use of facilities
Provide options to parents to best meet the needs of their family
Provide choices to explore a variety of educational opportunities toward meeting the diverse needs of our students.
In addition to school assignments, the Student Assignment Office also helps parents, students, and schools with issues involving custody, residency, family hardships involving school assignments and Choice Program application procedures. All students residing in Cumberland County are eligible to apply to the Choice Program during the application period. For more information on the Choice Program, please visit the Cumberland County Schools Choice Program Website.
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Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2616
Dr. Melody Chalmers McClain
Associate Superintendent, Student Support Services
Saundra McNeill
Student Assignment Manager