Misdemeanor Diversion Program (MDP)

street painted with a sign that says future ?

Cumberland County Schools takes advantage of assistance from local outside agencies to improve student behavior, not only in schools, but in the community as well. CCS works in conjunction with the Cumberland County Pretrial Services (MDP) to keep youth charged for the first time with non-violent offenses from entering the court system. This allows these young people an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and receive consequences without having a criminal record.  Youth have 90 days to complete 10 hours of community service, classes, or diversion programming.  Attendance at one court session is required for education on the consequences of an adult criminal record. It is our hope that this type of partnership will help our students learn to make better decisions while understanding that replacing poor choices with better ones has the potential to positively direct the path to their future.

Misdemeanor Diversion Program Presentation

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Contact Us

2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, N.C. 28348

Phone: 910-678-2423
Fax: 910-678-2493

Dr. Melody Chalmers McClain
Associate Superintendent

Samantha Sheppard
Administrative Assistant